

Each description in the COOKIE_CONSENT_SETTINGS configuration can be either set as description translatable string, or as a description_template_name template path with any necessary HTML markup.

Layout options

There are five possible modal dialog layout options, set as the dialog_position setting:

  • center - a dialog box is shown in the middle of the window.
  • top - a dialog is at the full-width top bar.
  • left - a dialog is at the left sidebar.
  • right - a dialog is at the right sidebar.
  • bottom - a dialog is at the full-width bottom bar.

The show_dialog_close_button setting tells whether to show or hide the close button for the dialog. Setting it to False is recommended because you need somewhat consent before activating JavaScript functionalities on your websites as soon as possible.

Button texts

Button texts can be cusomized by the buttons setting:

"buttons": {
    "accept_all_dialog": _("Accept all"),
    "reject_all_dialog": _("Reject all"),
    "manage_cookies": _("Manage cookies"),
    "accept_all_config": _("Accept all"),
    "reject_all_config": _("Reject all"),
    "save_preferences": _("Save preferences"),
    "save_and_close": _("Save and close"),
    "close": _("Close"),


The modal dialog uses the fonts of the website.

Colors can be modified by CSS custom properties:

body {
  --cc-primary: #007bff;
  --cc-light-gray: #ccc;
  --cc-dark-gray: #343a40;
  --cc-light: #fff;
  --cc-backdrop: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

All essential elements have CSS classes with cc- prefix, and you can overwrite some of their properties.

If you are using a CSS framework like Bootstrap or TailwindCSS, you can set the extra CSS classes for particular elements in the styling section of COOKIE_CONSENT_SETTINGS:

"styling": {
    "primary_button_css_classes": "",
    "secondary_button_css_classes": "",
    "close_button_css_classes": "",
    "provider_list_css_classes": "",
    "provider_item_css_classes": "",
    "link_css_classes": "",
    "section_anchor_css_classes": "",

If you can't implement what you need with the methods above, instead you can create a custom CSS file and link to it. And of that is still not an option for you, you can also overwrite the templates.


The templates used for the cookie consent management can be copied to the templates directory of the project and overwritten. Mostly necessary templates are these:

  • gdpr_cookie_consent/descriptions/what_are_cookies.html is the description of the cookies in the modal dialog and cookie management page.
  • gdpr_cookie_consent/descriptions/extra.html is the extra HTML going at the bottom of cookie management page.
  • gdpr_cookie_consent/modal_dialog.html is the template for the cookie consent's modal dialog.
  • gdpr_cookie_consent/cookies_management.html is the template for the external page.

If you don't want to hardcode some variables like API keys in the conditional HTML files, you can pass them in extra_context section of COOKIE_CONSENT_SETTINGS:

"extra_context": {

In this example, get_secret() should be a function implemented by you, that reads the secret values from the environment variables, unversioned secrets.json file, or elsewhere.

The variables mentioned in extra_context will be passed to all templates of Django GDPR Cookie Consent.

Customisable Redirect URL

After successfully saving the cookie management form, you will be redirected to the start page. To change that, use the "redirect_url" setting at COOKIE_CONSENT_SETTINGS. It accepts a path name, a hardcoded path, or a full URL:

"redirect_url": "home",

Conditional Rendering in Templates

Enable gdpr_cookie_consent context processor in the template settings:

        # …
        "OPTIONS": {
            "context_processors": [
                # …

Now you can check if a section was chosen by the visitor in any template by this:

{% if "functionality" in cookie_consent_controller.checked_sections %}
    <!-- add some optional functionality -->
{% endif %}

Note that this conditional rendering will happen only after page reload, not just after closing the Cookie Consent modal dialog.

Conditional Rendering in JavaScript

If you are using ReactJS, Vue, AngularJS, or other frontend library to render HTML, you can check if a cookie section was chosen by the following technique. At first set a global variable in conditional templates:

{# conditional_html/functionality.html #}

Then check for that value in some rendering functions:

// some javascript file

Using Content-Security-Policy with Django-CSP

Django GDPR Cookie Consent is compatible with Content-Security-Policy via Django-CSP app. To use it together, you just need to do two things.

In the project's settings, enable nonces:

CSP_INCLUDE_NONCE_IN = ["script-src", "style-src"]

In the conditional html snippets, set nonces for inline <style> and <script> tags:

<style nonce="{{ request.csp_nonce }}">
    body {
        background: red;

<script nonce="{{ request.csp_nonce }}">
    console.log('Conditional script loaded!');